AdvProfit is the best site to earn from every site you visit. It replaces Google Ads  With Russian Ads And Earn In Return. This extension replaces every google ads in website you visit and give you money in return of CPC. You can withdraw to Payeer, then on your credit card. 100% legit. You can even advertise, if you want to. As it gives you proits from advertisements, that is why its called ADVProfit.


1. First visit this link. [CLICK HERE TO VISIT]
2. Click on Check in To Register
3. Enter Your Email And Password To Register in user registration.
4. After Registration, Check your email, and check if it asks for account verfication.
5. Then Click on This link to install Google Chrome Extension. This Extension helps to replace Google Ads with Russian Ads.

6. After That, Login Into The Site by Clicking on Extension.

7. Now It replaces all the Google ads, with its own ads, you can withdraw money to Payeer, By clicking on Withdraw and giving payment details.